
Index of Sections

Code Plain English

333B.1 General.

When the entire use of an existing building or a portion of an existing building which is being converted to JLWQ has been for commercial or industrial purposes the fire resistance of the exterior walls and openings may comply with the provisions for an R-1 Occupancy see Section 503 and Chapter 6 provided the requirements for an R-1 Occupancy does not create a more hazardous condition to fire and life safety than the existing condition of the walls and openings. Otherwise, requirements for an F-1 Occupancy shall apply to commercially/ industrially-oriented JLWQ F-7 Occupancy.

Exception: When a building complies with the allowable area requirements as for an R-1 occupancy and the F-7 Occupancy is fire-sprinklered the fire resistance of the exterior walls and openings may comply with the provisions for an R-1 Occupancy.

333B.1 General.

In general, a residential building is permitted to have openings (i.e. doors and windows) closer to an interior property line –that is, a property line shared with another parcel– than a commercial building. Typically the distance required in residential is at least 5 feet and in commercial occupancies is at least 10 feet. This provision permits–under most circumstances– live/work buildings to use the less restrictive multi-family residential (R-1) requirements. In either case, openings of any kind are not permitted within five feet of an interior property line, and windows perpendicular to the property line are not subject to the requirement.
